Chula Vista Elementary School District

Teacher Salary and Benefits
It is estimated that over 1000 educators are employed at CVESD. The tables below profile faculty and teacher salaries at CVESD. The data has been gathered through a number of sources. Note: The information provided below is for informational purposes only, for official information please contact the school district directly.
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CVESD Teacher Salary Details
The table below details the average salary for teachers that is sourced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos local area. There can be wide variations in salary, which can be attributed to experience or education levels. For example, a teacher with a master's in education may have higher salary than an entry level teacher.
Average Salary | Salary Range | |
Kindergarten Teacher | $79,620 | $44,490 - $102,750 |
Elementary School Teacher | $85,480 | $57,870 - $116,400 |
Middle School Teacher | $95,250 | $61,400 - $162,210 |
High School Teacher | $98,830 | $60,350 - $164,540 |
PE Teacher | $57,690 | $31,050 - $95,840 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2022, MSA: San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, SOC Codes: 25-2011, 25-2012, 25-2021, 25-2022, 25-2031, 27-2022, 25-3098, 25-9041
Special Education Teacher Salary
The table below lists the average salary for special education teachers that work for CVESD and surrounding area school districts.
Average Salary | Salary Range | |
Special Ed. (Kindergarten & Elementary) | $92,900 | $55,490 - $136,380 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2022, MSA: San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, SOC Codes: 25-2051, 25-2052, 25-2053, 25-2054
School Administrators and Staff Salary
Learn more about salary ranges and details on school administrators and support staff, including counselors and librarians for the San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos area below.
Average Salary | Salary Range | |
School Administrators (Elementary, Middle, & High School) | $133,390 | $80,700 - $170,400 |
Guidance & School Counselors | $79,640 | $46,430 - $128,470 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2022, MSA: San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, SOC Codes: 11-9031,11-9032,21-1012,25-4021
Employee and Teacher Benefits (Estimated)
The estimated value of administrator and teacher benefits provided by CVESD is listed below. These estimates are calculated from the figures obtained from the NCES Finance Survey (2012).
District | California | |
Teachers & Aides | $18,115 | $23,830 |
Administrators | $10,480 | $20,024 |
Source: Local Education Agency (School District) Finance Survey (F-33) Data (2012)
Chula Vista Elementary School District Jobs and Careers
The following tables outlines the number of teachers, administrators, and support staff that are employed by CVESD. This information is obtained through a self reported survey provided by the NCES Universe Survey.
Total Number of Teachers Employed
Total number of teachers employed by CVESD per grade classification is displayed below.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Total Teachers | 1,352 | 1,392 | 1,248 |
Kindergarten Teachers | 178 | 192 | 198 |
Elementary School Teachers | 1,035 | 1,024 | 1,045 |
Source: National Center For Education Statistics (NCES), CCD Local Education Agency (School District) Universe Survey 2014
Instructional Supervisors, Coordinators, and Teaching Assistants
Total number of instructional supervisors, coordinators, and teaching assistant jobs are listed in the table below.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Teaching Assistants | 434 | 149 | 186 |
Source: National Center For Education Statistics (NCES), CCD Local Education Agency (School District) Universe Survey 2014
District and School Administrators and Support Staff
Total number of school administrators and support staff that work for CVESD are shown in the table below.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Total Administrators & Staff | 684 | 684 | 735 |
District Support Staff | 79 | - | 19 |
School Administrators | 62 | 63 | 66 |
School Administrative Support Staff | 195 | 225 | 224 |
Student Support Staff | 102 | 94 | 86 |
Other Support Staff | 443 | 320 | 331 |
CVESD Schools
We have listed the 47 schools and their contact information, which is managed by CVESD in the list below. See more information about each school by clicking on the name.
See how other nearby school districts compare in regards to teaching and employment opportunities:
- Sweetwater Union High School District (31 Schools)
- National Elementary School District (11 Schools)
- San Ysidro Elementary School District (7 Schools)
- South Bay Union School District (13 Schools)
- Lemon Grove Elementary School District (6 Schools)
Chula Vista Elementary School District Map & Boundaries
Schools By City
Click on the city name to see the list of schools in that city.
Teaching in Bonita
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Allen (ella B.) School 4300 Allen Sch Rd Bonita CA 91902 (619) 479-3662 |
KG-6 | 19 | 428 |
Sunnyside Elementary School 5430 San Miguel Rd Bonita CA 91902 (619) 479-0571 |
KG-6 | 20 | 443 |
Valley Vista Elementary School 3724 Valley Vista Way Bonita CA 91902 (619) 479-7171 |
KG-6 | 24 | 558 |
Teaching in Chula Vista
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Anne and William Hedenkamp Elementary School 930 East Palomar Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 397-5828 |
KG-6 | 42 | 1,069 |
Arroyo Vista Charter School 2491 Sch House Rd Chula Vista CA 91915 (619) 656-9676 |
KG-8 | 41 | 1,032 |
Burton C. Tiffany Elementary School 1691 Elmhurst St Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 421-6300 |
KG-6 | 26 | 587 |
Castle Park Elementary School 25 Emerson St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 422-5301 |
KG-6 | 19 | 412 |
Chula Vista Hills Elementary School 980 Buena Vista Way Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 482-7066 |
KG-6 | 23 | 553 |
Chula Vista Learning Community Charter School 590 K St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 426-2885 |
KG-12 | 44 | 1,187 |
Clear View Charter Elementary School 455 Windrose Way Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 498-3000 |
KG-6 | 22 | 519 |
Corky Mcmillin Elementary School 1201 Santa Cora Ave Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 425-9600 |
KG-6 | 32 | 854 |
Discovery Charter School 1100 Camino Biscay Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 656-0797 |
KG-8 | 35 | 844 |
Eastlake Elementary School 1955 Hillside Dr Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 421-4798 |
KG-6 | 28 | 626 |
Enrique S. Camarena Elementary 1650 Explr Falls Dr Chula Vista CA 91915 (619) 591-5500 |
KG-6 | 37 | 943 |
Feaster-Edison Charter School 670 Flower St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 422-8397 |
KG-8 | 45 | 1,093 |
Fred H. Rohr Elementary School 1540 Malta Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 420-5533 |
KG-6 | 15 | 353 |
Greg Rogers Elementary School 510 East Naples St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 656-2082 |
KG-6 | 23 | 469 |
Halecrest Elementary School 475 East J St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 421-0771 |
KG-6 | 21 | 478 |
Harborside Elementary School 681 Naples St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 422-8369 |
KG-6 | 32 | 618 |
Hazel Goes Cook Elementary School 875 Cuyamaca Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 422-8381 |
KG-6 | 18 | 443 |
Heritage Elementary School 1450 Santa Lucia Rd Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 421-7080 |
KG-6 | 35 | 908 |
Hilltop Drive Elementary School 30 Murray St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 422-8323 |
KG-6 | 23 | 572 |
Howard Gardner Community Charter 647 East St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 934-0300 |
KG-8 | 9 | 172 |
J. Calvin Lauderbach Elementary School 390 Palomar St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 422-1127 |
KG-6 | 40 | 809 |
John J. Montgomery Elementary School 1601 Fourth Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 422-6131 |
KG-6 | 15 | 356 |
Joseph Casillas Elementary School 1130 East J St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 421-7555 |
KG-6 | 25 | 584 |
Karl H. Kellogg Elementary School 229 East Naples St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 420-4151 |
KG-6 | 14 | 316 |
Leonardo Da Vinci Health Sciences Charter School 229 East Naples Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 420-0066 |
KG-6 | 14 | 292 |
Liberty Elementary School 2175 Proctor Valley Rd Chula Vista CA 91914 (619) 397-5225 |
KG-6 | 31 | 724 |
Lilian J. Rice Elementary School 915 Fourth Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 420-7071 |
KG-6 | 32 | 674 |
Loma Verde Elementary School 1450 Loma Ln Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 420-3940 |
KG-6 | 22 | 547 |
Olympic View Elementary School 1220 South Greensview Dr Chula Vista CA 91915 (619) 656-2030 |
KG-6 | 32 | 812 |
Otay Elementary School 1651 Albany Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 425-4311 |
KG-6 | 29 | 596 |
Palomar Elementary School 300 East Palomar St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 420-0134 |
KG-6 | 17 | 386 |
Parkview Elementary School 575 Juniper St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 421-5483 |
KG-6 | 17 | 361 |
Robert L. Mueller Charter Elementary School 715 I St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 422-6192 |
KG-8 | 40 | 1,051 |
Rosebank Elementary School 80 Flower St Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 422-8329 |
KG-6 | 27 | 600 |
Salt Creek Elementary School 1055 Hunte Parkway Chula Vista CA 91914 (619) 397-5494 |
KG-6 | 39 | 1,028 |
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School 2295 Mackenzie Creek Rd Chula Vista CA 91914 (619) 656-6262 |
KG-6 | 30 | 725 |
Valle Lindo Elementary School 1515 Oleander Ave Chula Vista CA 91911 (619) 421-5151 |
KG-6 | 23 | 529 |
Veterans Elementary School 1550 Magdalena Ave Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 216-1226 |
KG-6 | 38 | 887 |
Vista Square Elementary School 540 G St Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 422-8374 |
KG-6 | 25 | 618 |
Wolf Canyon Elementary School 1950 Wolf Canyon Loop Chula Vista CA 91913 (619) 482-8877 |
KG-6 | 28 | 629 |
Teaching in San Diego
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Juarez-Lincoln Accelerated School 849 Twining Ave San Diego CA 92154 (619) 690-9222 |
KG-6 | 24 | 586 |
Los Altos Elementary School 1332 Kenalan Dr San Diego CA 92154 (619) 690-5880 |
KG-6 | 17 | 392 |
Myrtle S. Finney Elementary School 3950 Byrd St San Diego CA 92154 (619) 690-1334 |
KG-6 | 17 | 404 |
Silver Wing Elementary School 3730 Arey Dr San Diego CA 92154 (619) 423-3950 |
KG-6 | 19 | 405 |