Canyons School District
Teacher Salary and Benefits
Canyons School District has an estimated twenty nine thousand students and 1,000 teachers. The Canyons School District school administration and teacher salary data displayed below are obtained from several government sources as listed under each salary table. Note: The information provided below is for informational purposes only, for official information please contact the school district directly.
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Canyons School District Teacher Salary Details
The following table displays average salary ranges for teachers as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the Salt Lake City region. There can be wide variations in salary, which can be attributed to experience or education levels. For example, a teacher with a master's in education may have higher salary than an entry level teacher.
Average Salary | Salary Range | |
Preschool Teacher | $31,000 | $22,490-$38,240 |
Kindergarten Teacher | $55,540 | $26,800 - $78,180 |
Elementary School Teacher | $63,100 | $39,050 - $79,370 |
Middle School Teacher | $65,400 | $46,280 - $101,130 |
High School Teacher | $69,590 | $50,250 - $97,420 |
PE Teacher | $58,020 | $21,160 - $108,530 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2022, MSA: Salt Lake City, SOC Codes: 25-2011, 25-2012, 25-2021, 25-2022, 25-2031, 27-2022, 25-3098, 25-9041
Special Education Teacher Salary
The table below displays average salary ranges for special education teachers that work for Canyons School District and surrounding area school districts.
Average Salary | Salary Range | |
Special Ed. (Kindergarten & Elementary) | $67,230 | $47,330 - $96,910 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2022, MSA: Salt Lake City, SOC Codes: 25-2051, 25-2052, 25-2053, 25-2054
School Administrators and Staff Salary
See salary ranges and details on school administrators, counselors, and librarians for the Salt Lake City area below.
Average Salary | Salary Range | |
School Administrators (Preschool) | $48,330 | $28,400-$64,420 |
School Administrators (Elementary, Middle, & High School) | $103,960 | $62,300 - $129,140 |
Guidance & School Counselors | $58,580 | $31,620 - $93,250 |
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2022, MSA: Salt Lake City, SOC Codes: 11-9031,11-9032,21-1012,25-4021
Employee and Teacher Benefits (Estimated)
The estimated value of administrator and teacher benefits provided by Canyons School District is listed below. These estimates are calculated from the figures obtained from the NCES Finance Survey (2012).
District | Utah | |
Teachers & Aides | $20,299 | $18,005 |
Administrators | $19,814 | $17,691 |
Source: Local Education Agency (School District) Finance Survey (F-33) Data (2012)
Canyons School District Jobs and Careers
The following tables outlines the number of teachers, administrators, and support staff that are employed by Canyons School District. This information is obtained through a self reported survey provided by the NCES Universe Survey.
Total Number of Teachers Employed
Total number of teachers employed by Canyons School District per grade classification is displayed below.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Total Teachers | 1,447 | 1,478 | 1,505 |
Preschool Teachers | 12 | 13 | 15 |
Kindergarten Teachers | 63 | 70 | 67 |
Elementary School Teachers | 643 | 654 | 569 |
Middle & High School Teachers | 589 | 602 | 713 |
Teachers for Classes w/o Grade Levels | 140 | 139 | 140 |
Source: National Center For Education Statistics (NCES), CCD Local Education Agency (School District) Universe Survey 2014
Instructional Supervisors, Coordinators, and Teaching Assistants
Total number of instructional supervisors, coordinators, and teaching assistant jobs are listed in the table below.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Supervisors & Coordinators | 102 | 136 | 146 |
Teaching Assistants | 130 | 136 | 141 |
Source: National Center For Education Statistics (NCES), CCD Local Education Agency (School District) Universe Survey 2014
District and School Administrators and Support Staff
Total number of school administrators and support staff that work for Canyons School District are shown in the table below.
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | |
Total Administrators & Staff | 871 | 871 | 867 |
District Administrators | 25 | 23 | 54 |
District Support Staff | 63 | 71 | 89 |
School Administrators | 83 | 87 | 89 |
School Administrative Support Staff | 109 | 109 | 110 |
Student Support Staff | 90 | 99 | 98 |
Other Support Staff | 452 | 482 | 427 |
Librarians | 11 | 10 | 9 |
Library Assistants & Technicians | - | 35 | 35 |
Guidance Counselors | 42 | 45 | 54 |
Middle & High School Guidance Counselors | 42 | 44 | 54 |
Canyons School District Schools
We have listed the 49 schools and their contact information, which is operated by Canyons School District in the list below. To view additional information about each school click on the school link.
See how other nearby school districts compare in regards to teaching and employment opportunities:
- Jordan School District (55 Schools)
- Murray District (12 Schools)
- Granite School District (93 Schools)
- Salt Lake City School District (42 Schools)
- Alpine School District (81 Schools)
Canyons School District Map & Boundaries
Schools By City
Click on the city name to see the list of schools in that city.
Teaching in Cottonwood Heights
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Ridgecrest School 1800 East 7200 South Cottonwood Heights UT 84121 (801) 826-9250 |
KG-5 | 24 | 570 |
Teaching in Draper
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Corner Canyon High 12943 South 700 East Draper UT 84020 (801) 826-6401 |
8-12 | 70 | 1,810 |
Crescent View Middle School 13133 South 1300 East Draper UT 84020 (801) 826-6900 |
6-8 | 58 | 1,430 |
Draper School 1080 East 12660 South Draper UT 84020 (801) 826-8275 |
KG-5 | 30 | 680 |
Oak Hollow School 14400 South 884 East Draper UT 84020 (801) 826-8875 |
KG-5 | 30 | 724 |
South Park Academy 14425 South Pony Express Rd Draper UT 84020 (801) 576-8235 |
9-12 | 11 | 13 |
Willow Springs Elementary School 13288 South Lone Peak Dr Draper UT 84020 (801) 826-9700 |
KG-5 | 32 | 779 |
Teaching in Midvale
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Copperview School 8449 South 150 West Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-8125 |
KG-5 | 25 | 548 |
East Midvale School 6990 South 300 East Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-8350 |
KG-5 | 27 | 559 |
Hillcrest High School 7350 South 900 East Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-6000 |
8-12 | 93 | 2,306 |
Jordan Valley School 7501 South 1000 East Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-1200 |
KG-12 | 16 | 96 |
Midvale Middle School 7852 South Pioneer St Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-7300 |
6-8 | 43 | 876 |
Midvale School 362 West Center Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-8725 |
KG-5 | 40 | 727 |
Midvalley School 217 East 7800 South Midvale UT 84047 (801) 826-8800 |
KG-5 | 23 | 511 |
Teaching in Salt Lake City
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Bella Vista School 2131 East 7000 South Salt Lake City UT 84121 (801) 826-7825 |
KG-5 | 17 | 337 |
Brighton High School 2220 East 7695 South Salt Lake City UT 84121 (801) 826-5800 |
8-12 | 84 | 2,087 |
Butler Middle School 7530 South 2700 East Salt Lake City UT 84121 (801) 826-6500 |
6-8 | 39 | 869 |
Butler School 2700 East 7000 South Salt Lake City UT 84121 (801) 826-7975 |
KG-5 | 21 | 495 |
Canyon View School 3050 East 7800 South Salt Lake City UT 84121 (801) 826-8050 |
KG-5 | 20 | 442 |
Teaching in Sandy
School | Grades | Full-Time Teachers | Students |
Albion Middle School 2755 East 8890 South Sandy UT 84093 (801) 826-6700 |
6-8 | 40 | 924 |
Alta High School 11055 South 1000 East Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-5600 |
8-12 | 66 | 1,835 |
Alta View School 10333 South 865 East Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-7600 |
KG-5 | 26 | 577 |
Altara School 800 East 11000 South Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-7675 |
KG-5 | 23 | 580 |
Bell View School 9800 South 800 East Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-7750 |
KG-5 | 17 | 360 |
Brookwood School 8640 South 2565 East Sandy UT 84093 (801) 826-7900 |
KG-5 | 19 | 459 |
Canyons Transition Academy 9361 South 300 East Sandy UT 84070 (801) 826-5467 |
12-12 | 5 | 83 |
Crescent School 11100 South 230 East Sandy UT 84070 (801) 826-8200 |
KG-5 | 28 | 664 |
East Sandy School 8295 South 870 East Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-8425 |
KG-5 | 21 | 503 |
Eastmont Middle School 10100 South 1300 East Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-7000 |
6-8 | 41 | 917 |
Edgemont School 1085 East 9800 South Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-8500 |
KG-5 | 20 | 415 |
Granite School 9760 South 3100 East Sandy UT 84092 (801) 826-8575 |
KG-5 | 19 | 393 |
Indian Hills Middle School 1180 East 11600 South Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-7100 |
6-8 | 48 | 1,100 |
Jordan High School 95 East 9825 South Sandy UT 84070 (801) 826-6200 |
8-12 | 84 | 2,195 |
Lone Peak School 11515 South 2220 East Sandy UT 84092 (801) 826-8650 |
KG-5 | 30 | 728 |
Mt Jordan Middle School 9360 South 300 East Sandy UT 84070 (801) 826-7400 |
6-8 | 36 | 730 |
Oakdale School 1900 East 8100 South Sandy UT 84093 (801) 826-8950 |
KG-5 | 17 | 419 |
Park Lane School 9955 South 2300 East Sandy UT 84092 (801) 826-9025 |
KG-5 | 21 | 429 |
Peruvian Park School 1545 East 8425 South Sandy UT 84093 (801) 826-9100 |
KG-5 | 25 | 529 |
Preschool (special education) 9361 South 300 East Sandy UT 84070 (801) 501-1067 |
PK-PK | 11 | 259 |
Quail Hollow School 2625 East 9070 South Sandy UT 84093 (801) 826-9175 |
KG-5 | 20 | 485 |
Sandy School 8725 South 280 East Sandy UT 84070 (801) 826-9325 |
PK-5 | 27 | 564 |
Silver Mesa School 8920 South 1700 East Sandy UT 84093 (801) 826-9400 |
KG-5 | 25 | 563 |
Sprucewood School 12025 South 1000 East Sandy UT 84094 (801) 826-9415 |
KG-5 | 24 | 534 |
Sunrise School 1520 East 11265 South Sandy UT 84092 (801) 826-9550 |
KG-5 | 27 | 608 |
Union Middle School 615 East 8000 South Sandy UT 84070 (801) 826-1500 |
6-8 | 41 | 912 |
Willow Canyon School 9650 South 1700 East Sandy UT 84092 (801) 826-9625 |
KG-5 | 19 | 394 |