Writing Narratives
In this lesson, students will use a graphic organizer for narrative writing.
Grade Level: 3 - 5th
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
Common Core Alignment
CCSS:ELA-LITERACY.W.4.3 - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
Objectives & Outcomes
Students will be able to play, revise, and edit a narrative piece of writing.
Materials Needed
- narrative examples
- white board
- dry erase markers
Opening to Lesson
Students will write a fable of their own for the summative assessment. (The teacher should use a narrative graphic organizer that has already been introduced.) The teacher will review the elements of the fable and have those elements projected for all students to see.
Body of Lesson
Direct Teaching
Review your ‘Writing a Fable Rubric’ and begin the graphic organizer with the students, so they know how their writing will be assessed.
Guided Practice
Student will plan and draft their fable using the graphic organizer presented.
Independent Practice
Students will revise and edit their fable by sharing with a partner. With fable in hand, students will randomly walk around the classroom until they are cued by the teacher. Once cued, students will find a partner by slapping hands, and then students will read their fables to each other. This process can be repeated as many times or over as many days as the teacher would like.
Once students have written their first draft, as well as revises based on suggestions and comments from their peers, students will meet with the teacher. Comments and or questions to state or pose during a revision conference include any of the following: What other words can we use to describe __? What else can the author write to make that point in the story?
Where in the story can the reader see some character traits of __? What descriptions of your setting create a mood in the story? After listening to your fable being read aloud (teacher reads, student listens) what did you notice? How can the moral of the story be more evident? What does the dialogue reveal about the characters in the story? Where in the fable is there a lapse in sequence?
Assessment & Evaluation
Through guided questions, close monitoring and informal observation; the teacher will be able to assess student’s ability and understanding of the subject being introduced. Through individually assessing during independent practice and reviewing during guided practice the teacher will be able to evaluate students.
Modification & Differentiation
Students can tape their final fables before actually publishing them to help them organize their story ideas. Students can also have a scribe for their final fable. Students can work in groups of three instead of two during the Guided Practice when they are sharing answers and discussion.
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