Rhyming Words

Salpy Baharian, M.Ed
Teacher.org Co-Founder

A very fun and engaging rhyming lesson for kindergarten students on rhyming words. Students will have the opportunity to work as a class, with partners, and individually. This lesson comes with modifications and ongoing suggestions for students who might need further assistance.

Grade Level: Kindergarten


Length of Time: 30-40 Minutes

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Objectives & Outcomes

Students will be able to identify and produce rhyming words.

Materials Needed

  • crayons
  • pencils
  • erasers
  • "Cat in the Hat" DVD and book - Get them here
  • Rhyming worksheet (attached)


Opening to Lesson

Teacher can walk into the class speaking in sentences that rhyme. The peculiar and animated way of speaking will prompt students' curiosities. As a result, students will be engaged and ask questions during this rhyming lesson. Teacher will introduce the word "rhyme" and define it as words that end with the same sounds.

Body of Lesson

  • Students will watch the "Cat in the Hat" DVD.  This will link to students' background knowledge, as most of them should have seen Dr. Seuss text in the libraries.
  •  As a class, discuss that rhyming words are all around us. Revisit the definition of rhyme during the lesson.
  • Make a chart on butcher paper to demonstrate examples of words that rhyme.  Elicit student contributions. *For students who have difficulty remaining focused, facilitate a lot of student responses.
  • Use a randomized system of name calling to help those students stay engaged. *For students with visual and spatial difficulties, I will have students point to the rhyming words. We will use colored markers to match the pairs of words that rhyme. This will provide colored contrasts for students with visual impairments.


  • Read the "Cat in the Hat" book emphasizing rhyming words. Students will clap they hear rhyming words. *Make sure to follow along with your finger so students can have a reference point. Use hand gestures, and expressions to convey important words and meanings during the rhyming lesson.

Checking for Understanding/Guided Practice

  • On the rug, lead the class to complete the lyrics to a silly rhyming poem.  For example: The goat wore a ______  and sat next to the fox with _______".  Continue creating silly rhyming phrases until each student has had a turn. will use a different color marker to write the rhyming words.

Independent Practice

  • Teacher can use one of the attached worksheets to allow an opportunity for students to practice independently.


  • In closing the rhyming lesson, gather back on the rug to review what students took away from the lesson.
  • Teacher can shout out words and ask kids to should back rhyming words.
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Assessment & Evaluation

Teacher can use the worksheet done in the "Independent Practice" section to assess student understanding. In addition, teacher can use informal observations to help guide further instruction.

Modification & Differentiation

The following are some adaptations for special needs students or English language learners

  • Provide clear and precise directions.
  • When saying directions, write them down, model the process of the product, check comprehension, and ask for questions.
  • Use colored place holders, pocket charts, sentence frames, additional time, visual and auditory cues.
  • Provide options for students.

Download Attachments

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