Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (In That Order)
Students will watch a video about reduce, reuse, and recycle and then complete a gallery walk to discuss ideas of other ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Grade Level: 2 - 4th
Length of Time: 30-40 Minutes
Common Core Alignment
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Objectives & Outcomes
Students will name ways to improve their immediate environment by reducing, reusing and recycling in their lives.
Materials Needed
- A pencil
- The “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” worksheet
- A crayon or marker for each student
- A computer with access to youtube (if your school blocks youtube you may be able do download the video and email it from http://www.clipconverter.cc/)
- 6 large sheets of chart paper with 2 labeled “1 Reduce,” 2 labeled “2 Reuse,” and 2 labeled “3 Recycle.”
Opening to Lesson
- Post the pre-made chart papers around the room.
- Direct students to the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle charts placed around the classroom and ask them if they know what each word means.
- Lead students in a discussion of what they do in their house, or what you do in the classroom to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Body of Lesson
- Show the video from Happy Dancing Turtle called “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, in that order” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWxjFLDoIDA
- They speak rather quickly so you may choose to watch it more than once.
- If the video is not available, lead a discussion about what students already know about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Guided Practice
- Pass out the worksheet.
- Tell students to fill in any examples from the video of what people can do to reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Show the video again (or review the discussion) so that the students can complete their charts.
- Discuss as a class.
Independent Practice
- Explain the activity to the students before you separate them into groups.
- Split students into 6 groups and tell each student to get a marker or crayon.
- Assign each group to a chart paper and have them discuss and then write as many ideas as they have that are NOT from the video on ways to reduce, reuse or recycle (depending on which chart paper they are assigned to).
- After about 5 minutes signal for students to move to the next chart paper. Have them read and discuss all of the ideas that the previous group wrote down and then add any new ideas that they may have.
- After about 5 more minutes signal for students to move to the next chart paper. Have them read and discuss all of the ideas that the previous group wrote down and then add any new ideas that they may have.
- Instruct students to go get their worksheet and pencil from their desks and then go with their groups to the 4th chart paper, which will be a repeat of one of the 3 Rs.
- Have them discuss any ideas from this chart paper and notice if there are new ideas that they didn’t see in the first chart paper.
- Instruct students to complete this section of their worksheet with ideas from the gallery walk.
- Repeat with chart papers 5 and 6, allowing students time to complete their worksheets.
Have students go back to their desk and discuss the activity. Ask what new ideas they learned for how to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle and ask how they will apply these ideas in the immediate future.
Assessment & Evaluation
Students will be asked to complete a worksheet and contribute in a class discussion.
Modification & Differentiation
The teacher can work with students in small groups or pair students with partners.
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