Food Web
Students will create a food web with a partner.
Grade Level: 4th Grade
Length of Time: 20 - 30 Minutes
Objectives & Outcomes
Students will be able to successfully create a food web that shows the interconnected ness of each of the provided animals.
Materials Needed
- Animal photos (attached)
- String
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- Glue/tape
- Crayons (optional)
Opening to Lesson
- Begin by asking students what a food web shows. If you have not yet discussed food webs then begin by explaining that the plants and animals in the world are connected to one another, even humans.
- A food web is a system of interlocking and interdependent food chains. Think about it this way: The Sun feeds the plants that grow. The plants offer food for animals such as rabbits and squirrels. The rabbits and squirrels are food for larger birds. The birds are food for larger animals such as bear, etc. Once the bear dies and decomposes it is fertilizer for the soil that the plants grow in and the process starts all over again. Everything in nature is connected.
Body of Lesson
- Tell students that they are going to create a food web on paper using animals you have chosen and string to show how they are connected.
- Place students in pairs and hand out animals/plant, scissors, string, and glue. Have students carefully cut out each animal/plant and glue them on the construction paper. Coloring is optional. Then have students place a string between each animal that is connected as part of the food web.
Have students discuss how they think each part of the food web is connected. Ask what would happen if another animal or plant was added. What if a human was added? Display all food webs if space is available.
Assessment & Evaluation
Students will show understanding of food webs by creating a visual display that accurately shows each connection.
Modification & Differentiation
Place students in a group of 3 instead of two for extra help.
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