Harnessing the Power of AI Tools for Teachers
By: Teacher.org Staff | Apr 11, 2024
For most teachers, the initial reaction to artificial intelligence was horror. After all, if AI was able to write assignments in an instant, or pass standardized exams, the possibilities for students cheating skyrocketed.
But on reflection, AI has more to offer to teachers and students through legitimate educational uses than illicit ones.
The key challenge for teachers today is to identify those uses and ...
8 Questions for Proactive Reflection
By: Jon Konen | Nov 19, 2016

How often as educators do we reflect? I mean truly sit down and reflect on the decisions we have made for the day, the week, or for the past year. As our lives get busier, it seems we get into a “reactive” state. We only have time to react to ...
13 Manners My Mom Taught Me That Affect Behavior
By: Jon Konen | Nov 19, 2016

My mom, Pat Konen, helped me to understand that manners are essential. Being a classroom teacher for over 30 years (Kindergarten, second grade, fourth grade, and a traveling science teacher) she understood that weaving manners into her instruction supported her classroom management and even more importantly, she understood it was ...
The Best Teaming Rubric Out There: How Would You Score Your Team?
By: Jon Konen | Nov 19, 2016

What does teaming look like in your school? Making this concrete for teacher teams may be difficult, but let’s put it into a rubric. Defining what good “teaming” looks like as a staff is powerful. Mix these criteria with high expectations from administration and you have the tools for a ...
Have Times Really Changed?
By: Mary McLaughlin | Nov 4, 2016

Today is a lazy day here in my home. Went to early church, went to the grocery store, went to the local waffle place, went to the dollar store, ran a load of laundry, and then put on my p.j.’s to enjoy the rest of the sunny, warm, breezy, Southern ...
Promoting Literacy Using Anchor Texts
By: Michelle Areaux | Nov 4, 2016

For most teachers, we spend countless hours planning and creating fun lessons for our students to enjoy. In reality, most of those lessons never see the light of day because we are forced to now design each daily lesson around a standardized test that, honestly, does not measure what our ...
The Best LIVE PD, EVER: 7 People Who Supported My Elucidation of Education
By: Jon Konen | Nov 4, 2016

It’s funny that in the business world when you steal other company’s ideas, you may see yourself in a lawsuit. In education, we encourage our people to beg, borrow, and steal successful ideas in order to implement them in our own schools. Since I started in education back in the ...
Top Technology Apps for Teachers and Administrators
By: Kylie Hall | Oct 19, 2016

Technology in the classroom is so commonplace at this point that writing a list about technology in the classroom actually seems cliché. In fact, just starting a piece about technology in the classroom by talking about technology in the classroom is probably cliché. Of course this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ...
8 Steps to Start a Power of Praise Program
By: Jon Konen | Oct 15, 2016

Do you spend more time calling parents on a student’s bad behavior or good behavior? If I could give one piece of advice for new teachers, new administrators, or other educators wanting to change the culture of their school or classroom, it would be to start a Power of Praise ...
5 Components to a Great Weekly Lesson Plan
By: Jon Konen | Oct 7, 2016

What are the five most important components that should be in every lesson plan? Can you make your list with just five components? I think it can be done, even though Madeline Hunter may tell you there are more. In fact, a Madeline Hunter lesson plan includes these seven components¹:
Materials/Resources ...
9 Reasons Culture Trumps Strategy
By: Jon Konen | Oct 7, 2016

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide.
This last summer one of the most profound speakers I have ever heard was Dr. Bill Daggett from the International Center for Leadership in Education. His words of “Culture Trumps Strategy” have given me a resurgence and confidence into education and changed what I have ...