Harnessing the Power of AI Tools for Teachers
By: Teacher.org Staff | Apr 11, 2024
For most teachers, the initial reaction to artificial intelligence was horror. After all, if AI was able to write assignments in an instant, or pass standardized exams, the possibilities for students cheating skyrocketed.
But on reflection, AI has more to offer to teachers and students through legitimate educational uses than illicit ones.
The key challenge for teachers today is to identify those uses and ...
Getting the New Kid
By: Mary McLaughlin | Mar 3, 2017

There are days in our teaching careers when all we can do is go home and cry.
In some cases we may cry because of what our colleagues have said or done, or we may cry because we have somehow failed our students. We may cry because of the stressors of ...
5 Reasons Why Schools Have a Difficult Time Stopping Bully Behaviors
By: Jon Konen | Mar 3, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide.
It seems rarely that when we, teachers and administrators, investigate a bullying incident that it is cut and dry, black and white, and easy to solve. At times, we find there are two sides to every story, but we want to be empathetic to the ...
How to Raise a Defender
By: Jon Konen | Mar 3, 2017

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A big audacious statement…The World needs more “defenders!”
What we see and hear in the media melds our minds to believe that we are sometimes helpless with what is happening in the world, especially recently in the United States. We have seen an uptick in gun ...
10 Ways to Empower Defenders
By: Jon Konen | Mar 3, 2017

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THE HONEST TRUTH…WE CAN’T BE EVERYWHERE! It is hard to tell parents that we cannot be everywhere on our campus to fully supervise students. With many of our schools, the sheer space and number of students we have make it nearly impossible to provide 100% ...
So You Think You Can Be a Special Education Teacher, Eh?
By: Mary McLaughlin | Feb 11, 2017

Did you know there are millions of children with special needs who need you? No, I mean MILLIONS. Who NEEEEEED you.
According to Special Education Advisor (http://www.specialeducationadvisor.com/special-education/special-education-fast-facts-2/), there are 6,612,752 who need your support, direction, teaching skills, and since 1978, the number of children between the ages of three and twenty-one ...
5 Reasons Why Strong Instruction Affects Bully Prevention
By: Jon Konen | Feb 11, 2017

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STRONG INSTRUCTION…that’s the ticket! No one will argue that having the most effective bully prevention program and strong school policies are intricate pieces to stopping bullying, but effective instruction is even more important! After listening to Principal Kafele recently, I now understand more than ever, ...
6+ Steps to Addressing Bullying When It Occurs
By: Jon Konen | Jan 28, 2017

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Many of us know how it feels when someone repeatedly harasses or intimidates us from our days of being in school. In fact, we still may be in a work environment or live in an area where this happens to us as adults. Nothing infuriates ...
5 Reasons Why We Need to Define Bully Behavior and Stop Generalizing Events as “Bullying”
By: Jon Konen | Jan 28, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide.
As soon as an incident makes the media and the term “bully” is used, people get enraged. Rightly so, they have a reason to be upset. Feelings of past bully situations from High School or Junior High start to populate people’s minds. Anger and resentment ...
5 Reasons Why Daily 5 Is the Best Reading Structure out There
By: Jon Konen | Dec 3, 2016

A solid learning structure will stand the test of time, legislation, and even other unfunded mandates. I believe a learning structure such as Daily 5 is more powerful than any scientifically based reading research program. What started during the No Child Left Behind era, and the push for curriculum taught ...
KARMA: 4 Lessons Learned from ISS/OSS
By: Jon Konen | Dec 3, 2016

After garnering a job as a teacher, I was walking through the hallways of my alma maters. There were still teachers working whom I had when I was a student. I respected those teachers, but in reflection, I sure was a handful while in school. In fact, I was suspended ...