Harnessing the Power of AI Tools for Teachers
By: Teacher.org Staff | Apr 11, 2024
For most teachers, the initial reaction to artificial intelligence was horror. After all, if AI was able to write assignments in an instant, or pass standardized exams, the possibilities for students cheating skyrocketed.
But on reflection, AI has more to offer to teachers and students through legitimate educational uses than illicit ones.
The key challenge for teachers today is to identify those uses and ...
Parental Tips and Advice to Get an IEP Approved for Your Child
By: Kylie Hall | Oct 4, 2017

Teacher.org asked a highly involved parent about the troubles with getting access to an IEP, specifically, "What kept you up at night?" We changed names to remain anonymous but this should take nothing away from the validity or circumstance of the concerned parent answering - these are her exact words. ...
7 Questions in Designing Coherent Instruction
By: Jon Konen | Oct 2, 2017

Is the ability to design instruction an art form, or is it a science? I argue teachers have to be artists while thinking about the science of not only the make-up of their classrooms, but what information should come next in the learning process. Robert Marzano talks about the art ...
Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
By: Jon Konen | Sep 18, 2017

Out of the 1000s of textbook companies and instructional resource providers in the United States, how many do you think cover 100% of your states designed teaching standards?
Whether your state uses the common core or if your state has decided to design its own standards there is only a handful ...
8 Questions to Tackle in Setting Instructional Outcomes
By: Jon Konen | Sep 10, 2017

The tale of two districts…as told by an over active planner!
One district spent all its money on a new elementary building, but not updating curriculum. The other district spent all its money on curriculum and the school buildings were in major need of repair.
As a new teacher, I navigated creating ...
9 Questions to Tackle in Demonstrating Knowledge of Your Students
By: Jon Konen | Sep 10, 2017

Magic can be seen and heard…I can prove it!
Teachers who can connect with any student, even those hard to like students, is something special. You can see them talking, hugging, high-fiving, and complementing these students. In fact, they do it so well, that the student cannot help himself or ...
The Love Hate-Relationship and 10 Types to Use Effectively
By: Amy Konen | Sep 8, 2017

Now that we are back to school, have you noticed that even on Day 3 those fidget tools have started turning up in your classrooms? How could they already need a tool, you are asking. It is only the third day of school, how could they possibly need a break? ...
10 Questions to Tackle in Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
By: Jon Konen | Sep 6, 2017

In the late 90’s, many new educators created portfolios to show prospective employers when they went job hunting. It was thought that these employers would spend time digging into the portfolio contents and make a decision on hiring one of us! While I hope many administrators did this, I feel ...
Get OUT of the BOX! Our Kids Aren’t Succeeding
By: Mary McLaughlin | Sep 6, 2017

Horrified. Saddened. Ticked off. Annoyed. Frustrated. Angry. Stymied. Discontented. Foiled. Irked. Dismayed.
These are the words which sit heavily upon my mind today. Ya see, as my good friend (I wish) Jimmy Buffett and his pal Martina McBride once sang, I’ve made a “trip around the sun” enough times to know ...
Popping the New School Year Bubble
By: Mary McLaughlin | Aug 22, 2017

School started for us a week ago. It was a shock to my system after having taken three graduate classes over the summer as well as having a treasured month of fun with my second-oldest grandson. At eight years old, he is like every other boy in America—he wants to ...
20 of the Best Anti-Bullying Picture Books for Teachers
By: Kylie Hall | Aug 16, 2017

In the past five years, bullying has become a hot topic in school yards and parent-teacher meetings across the country. It isn’t that bullying incidents have increased dramatically, it is just that parents and teachers and students are all far more aware and conscious of the threat of bullying. One ...