Teacher Talk

October is National Principals Month – 9 X 5 Unique Ways to Celebrate Your Principal

By: Jon Konen | Oct 5, 2021

In my experience, I believe the hardest job in education is the principalship. For those of you in education, you know I am right. Principals are in the trenches with staff and students, consistently communicating with the community and parents, and they are the filter of all situations. The decisions principals ...
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How the Pandemic Has Taught Us to Get Back to Basics and Embrace the Concept of Total Wellness

By: Jon Konen | Sep 22, 2021

24 Future Forward Ideas: The Final Installment in Our 4-Part Series Exploring Practical Strategies for Better Teaching Based on What We Are Learning in the Pandemic. Part 4 of 4: What We Know to Be True! At this point, we all recognize that the pandemic brought to the forefront a lot of ...
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Powerful Educational Technology Solutions That Will Outlive the Pandemic

By: Jon Konen | Sep 8, 2021

24 Future Forward Ideas: Part 3 in a 4-Part Series Exploring Practical Strategies for Better Teaching Based on What We Are Learning in the Pandemic Part 3: The Power of Being Flexibly-Virtual   When educational leaders transitioned to virtual offsite learning last year, some of the implications of what it meant to ...
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Five Ways for You and Your School to Thrive in the 2021-22 School Year

By: Brian Miller | Aug 30, 2021

The 2021-22 school year is here, and after a summer of hoping and believing that this year would bring us back to normal, many of us are discovering that we may not be so lucky. In many school districts, the debate on masks is once again at the forefront, social distancing ...
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How The Challenges Created By COVID Will Be Good For The Future Of Education

By: Jon Konen | Aug 25, 2021

24 Future Forward Ideas: Part 2 in a 4-Part Series Exploring Practical Strategies for Better Teaching Based on What We Learned in 2020-21 Part 2: Reasons to Be Positive About the Future...    In part one of this series, we started looking at what it might mean to return to “normal” after a pretty strange ...
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The Issue of Bullying Students with Disabilities Hits Particularly Close to Home for Me

By: Mary McLaughlin | Aug 16, 2021

There comes a time in the life of every person when we have to make a decision: accept what is wrong or change what is wrong. If we choose the latter, we may choose to stand alone in our efforts. If we choose the former, we might just be contributing ...
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Before We Rush to Get Back to Normal, Let’s Think About Which Part of Normal is Actually Worth Getting Back To

By: Jon Konen | Aug 11, 2021

24 Future Forward Ideas: A 4-Part Series Exploring Practical Strategies for Better Teaching Based on What We Learned in 2020-21 Part 1: Before We Rush to Get Back to Normal...   “In a rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth getting back to.” -Author and ...
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Is Becoming a Principal Really All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

By: Mary McLaughlin | Jul 29, 2021

Assuming you already have your bachelor’s degree in education, a teaching license and have spent a handful of years teaching in the classroom, you can start taking the steps it takes to become a principal. The next step is to start earning an advanced degree in school administration, pass your state’s ...
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What We Learned From a Year of Remote Teaching — 5 Questions That Will Help You Streamline Your Curriculum

By: Catherine Dorian | Jul 27, 2021

Like many teachers, I dove in last fall with ambition and zeal. Determined to implement all the ideas I developed in quarantine, I wrote a robust curriculum map for my English I students and a syllabus chock full of texts and project options. But I soon came face-to-face with the reality ...
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We Did the Math on What a Teaching Degree Will Earn You Over the Life of Your Career. Here’s What We Found…

By: Brian Miller | Jul 14, 2021

Your guide to nailing down exactly what you’ll spend earning a teaching degree, and the actual dollar value of that education over the course of your career.   Okay, okay… we know that no one goes into teaching to get rich. You do it because you love it, because there’s a warm ...
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