Teacher Talk

Teachers vs. Tech: Putting an Old Adversary to Good Use
By: Dr. Jerri Ward-Jackson | Aug 9, 2023
Since the first clunky cell phone rang in a silent classroom, technology’s place in education has been hotly debated. Does its potential for good outweigh its potential for disruption? Do kids need more screen time than they already get at home? Is educational technology actually beneficial or is it just a dazzling, counterproductive novelty?
To Dr. Jerri Ward-Jackson of the University of West Alabama’s College of ...
A New Normal – Explaining Loss to Child with Special Needs
By: Mary McLaughlin | Aug 1, 2016

Last week I enjoyed the best kind (in my mind) of vacation: a beach vacation. The opportunity to sit and watch the waves crash to shore in a pulsing, cacophonous, capacious rhythm which makes my heart happy, my mind relax, and my body become serenely placid. Ahh…the joys of getting ...
Being a Team Player
By: Tricia Koechig | Jul 29, 2016

We have all heard it said, “There is no I in team.” Football, basketball, soccer, and hockey are just a few sports that you simply can’t play alone. Even “solo” sports have more than just one person involved. Most people involved in solo sports have a coach. Similarly, the teaching ...
Professional Development: How Sweet It Is
By: Mary McLaughlin | Jul 7, 2016

I am a professional development junkie. I love it. It’s like a pan of homemade Rice Krispie treats for me…I don’t get to have it often enough and oh! That deliciously rice flavor. When it’s done well, I can’t wait for more because of its sweetness and a wonderful, lingering ...
Sleep vs. ADHD: 21 Questions to Ask
By: Jon Konen | Jun 13, 2016

As a teacher or parent have you ever sat and watched a kid buzz around like a bubble bee and wonder where that kid gets all his energy? I think about all the renewable resources our state of Montana is trying to tap: wind, solar, water, and more. How can ...
Teachers: Saints or Sinners
By: Mary Hardin | Jun 6, 2016

Yesterday a student asked me a seemly simple question: “Is teaching just your job or is it your life or something?” On the spot, I didn’t know exactly how to answer that question. I mean, I know that I probably should answer the question with a resounding, “Yes! Teaching is ...
Special Education and Family Involvement
By: Mary McLaughlin | Jun 6, 2016

One of my friends realized school had let out for the summer and asked me what were my plans for my “time off.” That always cracks me up. Teachers don’t have time off, but that’s a blog entry for another day. Anyway, this pal—a retired Special Education Teacher--also asked how ...
The Facts on Implementing College Readiness – A Positive Approach
By: Lisa Nielsen | May 26, 2016

I have been an educator (or a teacher) my whole life; I just did not know it right away. I spent many years in Corporate America building a career in business (finance and publishing) as a project management focused executive. During my career, I was lucky enough to begin adjunct-ing ...
The Passion for Knowledge
By: Cailyn Dougherty | May 25, 2016

The passion for knowledge has always been within me. It was something, even at a young age, I could remember having. I would create these expansive stories in my head about adventures a character had been on or struggles a character had gone through. Of course, when I was younger, ...