Teacher Talk

Strategies for Keeping Toxic Positivity Out of School Culture

By: Jon Konen | Apr 5, 2022

Group of kids in school hallway
Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling I see all these pictures and videos of educators working tirelessly to create a positive school culture. Leaders working so hard to make school happy, joyous, and positive. We can all agree that optimism and positive thinking definitely have their place when it comes time to work ...
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How Practicing a Little Email Etiquette Can Save Faculty a Lot of Unnecessary Stress

By: Jon Konen | Feb 11, 2022

Tough decisions ahead
“Schedule Send” – An Inbox Activity for All Educational Leaders A recent post from the private Facebook group, Principal’s Principles Leadership, sparked a long thread about how we can inadvertently cause stress for our staff. “Schedule Send” can help you reduce this stress and help us prioritize the tasks we do. *Posted ...
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Why Public Education is Worth Fighting For – A Counterpoint to All the Negativity Out There About the State of Our Schools

By: Jon Konen | Feb 1, 2022

One room schoolhouse
Part 3 in a 3-Part Series - “A journey with a mission attached!” In this three-part series, we will explore the current fight to maintain public education, outline some strategies for ways we can improve the current situation, and look at some of the people that have made strides in the fight ...
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Why Public Education is Worth Fighting For – 10 Strategies That Help Us Stay Solutions-Oriented Problem-Solvers

By: Jon Konen | Nov 18, 2021

Colorful print of school children with hands up in class
Part 2 in a 3-Part Series - In this three-part series, we will explore the current fight to maintain public education, outline some strategies for ways we can improve the current situation, and look at some of the people that have made strides in the fight to save public education ...
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Why Public Education is Worth Fighting For – A Guide to Understanding School Funding Issues and the Steps We Can Take to Save Public Education

By: Jon Konen | Nov 15, 2021

Group of elementary age friends
Part 1 in a 3-Part Series - In this three-part series, we will explore the current fight to maintain public education, outline some strategies for ways we can improve the current situation, and look at some of the people that have made strides in the fight to save public education ...
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Dear Novice Teacher: An Open Letter About What You Really Need To Know For a Successful Teaching Career

By: Mary McLaughlin | Nov 9, 2021

Road sign with three arrows and Decisions Ahead
Dear Novice Teacher, New Teacher, Seasoned Teacher, or Teacher Considering Leaving the Profession; We need you. Don’t go. You are here for a reason. We are in a profession where things go wrong, things seems too tough, we see things that break our hearts.  We ache alongside those who are grievously wronged.  ...
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Our 50 Favorite Online Bachelor’s in Education Teacher Certification Programs for 2022

By: Scott Wilson | Nov 8, 2021

50 favorite bachelor's in education teacher certification
Teacher training has gone high-tech over the past decade. Online education was happening before the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s definitely mainstream now. There isn’t any kind of degree you can’t get over the internet today. Even grade schoolers are getting their homework assignments by Zoom. The wave has broken, and virtual ...
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State-by-State Ranking of Where Teacher Salaries Go the Furthest in Buying a Home

By: Teacher.org Staff | Oct 15, 2021

It’s the American dream: a house, a yard, and a white picket fence. Housing costs have rocketed toward the moon over the past decade, however. In May of 2021 the median home price blasted past $350,000, according to the National Association of Realtors. That puts the biggest part of that dream out ...
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5 Ways To Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is In Building Supportive Relationships with Your Students

By: Jon Konen | Oct 13, 2021

Relationships, relationships, relationships! We know that having positive, trusting relationships in their lives this is the number one indicator of student success... Then why don’t we double down on relationships? We push the curriculum. Many of us are getting students ready for the first assessment, then the next assessment, and then ...
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I Never Forgot What It Felt Like to Struggle in School… So I Decided to Become the Teacher I Always Wished I Had

By: Mary McLaughlin | Oct 8, 2021

During my K-12 years I had one simple career goal.  Anytime anyone would ask me that age-old question that adults always feel compelled to ask young ones, my answer came reflexively:  a lawyer. Probably not what you were expecting me to say, huh? Even though learning was challenging for me, the dream ...
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