Creative Teacher

If You Had Only One Behavior Strategy to Use in Your Classroom, What Would It Be?
By: Jon Konen | Sep 26, 2022
If you had only one behavior strategy to use in your classroom, what would it be?
This question is nonsensical as we all know it takes several strategies to be an effective teacher, but what strategy works most frequently?
Being a former teacher and principal, and now a superintendent, I have spent my career working to increase the number of tools in all my toolboxes. Whether that ...
Caring Communication
By: Tricia Koechig | Jul 8, 2016

Communication has been defined as “the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else (Merriam-Webster).” Communication takes place from the time of your birth and throughout your entire life. There are many ...
The Power of Buddy Classrooms: 19 Ideas
By: Jon Konen | Jun 8, 2016

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PU#113 – Use Buddy Classes
Read to me, draw with me…let's create something together!
Creating a community of learners in a school can be done in many ways by students and staff. One way to quickly build relationships between students and staff is to create Buddy Classrooms. ...
The “Double Scoop” – Student Emotions
By: Jon Konen | Jun 2, 2016

It's at this time of year we see behaviors in students that we may not have seen since the first days of school in the fall. We wonder what has changed in the student's life to warrant these behaviors. We have to keep the big picture in the forefront. Many times ...
Can a Kindness Campaign Truly Change Your School?
By: Jon Konen | May 30, 2016

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PU#151 – Kindness Campaign
After trying many things to lessen discipline referrals in our school, we had to step out and think “inside the box.” What do you focus on, the discipline of a few naughty students or the kindness of the majority of students? That ...
The Fortune of Failure and Firsts
By: Tricia Koechig | May 26, 2016

Vincent Van Gogh is considered one of the most influential painters of all time. However, few know of his life outside of his famous painting, “A Starry Night.” Van Gogh’s parents gave birth to a still born son just a year prior to having Vincent. The Van Gogh’s had not ...
Brain Breaks: Not Just for the Kiddos
By: Cailyn Dougherty | May 25, 2016

When I think back to when I was in school, we worked from the start of class to the end of the day. The only time we had breaks was if we needed to go to the bathroom, or finished all of our work. These little moments were few and ...