
Eight Ways to Teach Empathy

By: Jon Konen | Aug 1, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide. Teaching empathy may be the most effective strategy that we can use to raise socially conscious students. Empathy crosses all curriculum areas and can be used to empower students to think, be responsible, and advocate for themselves and others. In fact, devising curricular experiences that ...
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One School Wide Philosophy: High-Trusting Relationships

By: Jon Konen | Jul 31, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide. PU #52 - School-Wide Philosophy Regular teachers are really done with school, just like many of the kids that cause problems in their classrooms. These teachers start sending more kids to the office than ever before. It seems what was once tolerable, manageable, and not a ...
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4 Terms for Translating Behavioral Jargon

By: Blain Hockridge | Jul 26, 2017

As a graduate student in behavior analysis, one of the most frequent topics brought up at the conferences I’ve attended is how to translate behavioral jargon to a non-behavior analytic listener. This could include parents, caregivers, teachers, principals, counselors, etc. The reason why this can be difficult, and thus such ...
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13 Ideas to Combat Bullying at the Community Level

By: Jon Konen | Jul 24, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide. You have to watch this video from a recent school board meeting June 5, 2017 from Green Bay, Wisconsin. Click here. After watching the video that went viral on Facebook recently, I was horrified to hear from this seasoned award-winning teacher that she was leaving the ...
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6 of the Most Hideous Cyber Bullying Tactics Used By Students

By: Jon Konen | Jul 13, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide. I loved this meme from Facebook I recently read, it states… It seems both my son’s should be classified as “Wifi Explorers.” They constantly look for Wifi hot spots so they can stay connected without using their data. As parents, we are thankful for the data ...
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3 Types of Bullying in School + 1 Immense Social Challenge

By: Jon Konen | Jul 13, 2017

Back to the main Bully Prevention Guide. PU #1 - Verbal Bullying Behavior The varied forms of verbal bullying are as infinite as there are words in any language. For bullying behavior to be classified as verbal bullying, it must be heard, repeated over time, and there is an imbalance of power ...
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Help, I’m Stuck, Now What? 10 Ways Teachers Can Re-Gain Control

By: Amy Konen | Jul 13, 2017

There you are in your classroom, following your guidelines you have explicitly taught to kids since the first day of school and, inevitably, you have a student intent on pushing those guidelines and, as a result, has gotten himself into trouble and assigned consequences.  The pattern emerging here, however, is ...
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Relationships: Yes, They Really Matter – 10 Strategies to Build Strong Relationships

By: Amy Konen | Jun 28, 2017

The adage, kids do not care what you know until they know how much you care, never rang more true than in today’s world.  One in three kids come to us with three or more powerful, disruptive risks such as abuse, drugs, neglect, poverty, divorce. (Christopher Blodgett, Washington State University, ...
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5 Ways to Stay Calm in a Power Struggle

By: Amy Konen | Jun 28, 2017

We have all been there.  You are teaching a powerful lesson, kids are participating, objectives are being met, and then you ask a student to answer a question, perform a task, or help with a job and you are met with silence. You feel it—that slow burn in the pit ...
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To Grudge, or Not to Grudge, That Is the Question

By: Mary McLaughlin | Jun 28, 2017

I could lie and say I never hold a grudge…but that would be a big, fat, juicy lie. Or, I could be very vulnerable and say I DO hold a grudge and risk being fodder for dinner table conversation. If you knew me well then you would know I don’t much care ...
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