Our 50 Favorite Online Bachelor’s in Education Teacher Certification Programs for 2022

Teacher training has gone high-tech over the past decade.
Online education was happening before the COVID-19 pandemic, but it's definitely mainstream now. There isn't any kind of degree you can't get over the internet today. Even grade schoolers are getting their homework assignments by Zoom. The wave has broken, and virtual instruction is here to stay. For many reasons, remote learning options will become a permanent part of public instruction.
That creates both challenges and opportunities for teachers themselves. You have to adapt to online learning on both sides of the classroom. Not only do you have to be prepared to teach online coursework at the drop of a hat, but you may also find that online courses are the best way to get into that teaching job in the first place.
If you're going to get a strong start as a teacher who is fully equipped for the digital world, it helps to go through some of the best virtual teacher training in the country.
That's exactly what you will find in our 50 favorite online teacher certification programs.
The advantages of online learning are clear:
- Flexible attendance options
- Low-cost living arrangements
- Wider selection of programs to choose from
All you have to do is figure out the right place to apply. So we're giving you a boost by starting you out with some of the very best online ITP options in the country.
One thing you won't find here are cookie-cutter programs. We totally get that every student has a different idea what the perfect program will be. You need to find a school that offers you the right concentrations for your career goals and the right fit for your learning style. There's no single perfect ITP program in the country.
But somewhere on this list may be the perfect fit for you to earn your teaching certification or credentials.
How We Picked Our Favorite Online Bachelor's in Education ITP Degree Programs
All these schools have found different ways into our heart. It's important that you understand how they got here, though.
Never fear! With each listing we tell you exactly what we found that is so special about these schools.
We also give you the kind of nuts and bolts data you need to make an informed decision about whether or not they should get on your short list. That's stuff like:
- Just how much on-campus participation is required
- What endorsement subjects are offered
- Whether or not the school has been specialty accredited
All of the schools have a general accreditation from an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. That means they are all accepted by state licensing boards to get you completely street-legal for classroom teaching.
We would have loved to have found at least one school in every state we could include, but with our high standards for online programs, that didn't always happen. Fortunately, there are some states that have more than one great online ITP program that deserves recognition, so we used that to bring it up to a round 50 schools for the list.
You'll find a great variety on the table here. Some are particularly military-friendly. Some have unique concentrations, maybe an arts or music program that is one-of-a-kind. But all of them have a set of features we think are super important in online ITP programs.
Flexibility is The Hallmark of The Best Online Programs
An online program in teacher preparation can be put together exactly the same as the on-campus version. The technology we have today makes it entirely possible to set up live streaming classes and interactive tech so you barely notice you're propped up in bed rather than wedged into an uncomfortable chair in some drafty lecture hall.
But these schools all understand it's kind of a waste to just duplicate the in-person classroom experience with digital tech. Going online creates big opportunities to design ITP programs with more flexibility and power than on campus programs could ever offer.
So you'll find schools here that have innovative offerings like year-round enrollment, or cadre-based progression. Many of them have part-time options that make a great fit for non-traditional students. Others let you accelerate your progress to whatever speed you can command, finishing up your studies months ahead of schedule. Almost all allow time-shifting, so you can complete your work any time of the day or night, any time that works for you.
No-Compromise on Student Teaching Experiences
That flexibility absolutely has to extend to your student teaching experience. That's one part of every teacher training programming that you definitely won't be doing online. It's just too important to get your non-virtual self into a real-world classroom and face the music in front of the kids.
But that creates some obvious challenges when your actual university and instructors are hundreds of miles away.
That's why strong and well-coordinated student teaching experiences are a must. These programs need the flexibility to get you connected with local classrooms for your student teaching, even if your instructors never set foot in them. The magic to put together a plug-and-play supervised student teaching experience is a must-have for a top online ITP program, and all of these schools have it.
Online Extras That Make the Difference in Teacher Training
Students can take for granted all the resources that come built-in to the average university experience. Everything from chilling in the campus student union to those late-night study sessions in the undergrad library take advantage of school infrastructure and services.
Online coursework is different, and it demands even more service and support to make a smooth experience. You need a school with a top-notch Learning Management System, for one, a well-integrated platform that doesn't start tripping over itself when more than three people log on. You want access to all the library materials and resources that on-campus students get. You need 24/7 tech support and IT staff who really know their stuff.
So the schools we've turned up here hit all the marks when it comes to making the online experience equal to, or even better than, the on campus equivalent. From offering special introductory prep classes for online students to hiring instructors with special digital expertise, the extra steps that these schools take in online education make a big difference in your ITP program.
Instructors Who Go The Extra Distance in Online Education
All the bells and whistles in the world don't get you anywhere in teacher training unless you have the right people playing the tune. That's why we look hard at the instructors that run the show in these schools.
You bet we like to see a lot of awards on those bio pages. Strong publications histories and well-attended presentations at industry conferences don't hurt, either. But what really sells it for professors at online ITP programs is the ability to make a strong, fulfilling connection with students online.
It's a special knack and not everyone has it. But when you check out the schools on this list, you'll find they are packed with profs who have the empathy, the pedagogical know-how, and the command of technology ranging from podcasts to digital blackboards to make online classes work for every student. You're not learning from CodeMiko here… real professors make real connections with every student in their virtual classes at these schools.
Highly Respected Schools With Wide Recognition
It's true that we have a lot of solid reasons behind our picks for this list, but hey, don't just take our word for it. The fact is, we're hardly the only ones to sit up and take notice of these schools. When you are this good, word gets around.
So you will also find that plenty of these picks come with sky-high recommendations from outfits like ED Smart and the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, or routinely end up on top lists from big-name evaluators like U.S. News & World Report or College Consensus. Of course you can trust every school we have picked, but when our picks are back by other pros in educational recognition, you know they have to be good.
A History of Online Excellence
It might seem to you like online education is a pretty new format in teacher training. In fact, however, remote learning is a field that is more than 25 years old at this point.
That's long enough to take a look at the history of how well online ITP programs have held up over time. And the ones that have made this list have done very well indeed.
The kind of institutional knowledge and instructor expertise that makes an online program special comes through experience. Some of our picks, like Liberty University and Franklin University, were trailblazers in remote learning. Their staff, systems, and faculty have decades of the real-world knowledge in conducting remote teacher training that leads to high-quality education.
Numbers Tell The Story in Strong Online ITP Programs
Everything online runs on numbers. The digital world cranks out data like you wouldn't believe, measuring everything from hours online to average connection speeds.
But the most important numbers in ITP program evaluation are the metrics that come after your online training is over. The schools we picked out have strong, objective data that supports them. High levels of licensure achievement for graduates, job placement rates north of 90 percent year after year after year, and high graduation rates all tell a story here. If a school is putting up strong numbers consistently, they are definitely on the right track to hit our top picks.
State-by-State: Our Top Picks for the 50 Best Bachelor's-Level Teacher Certification Programs for 2022
There are many excellent online ITP programs across the country, but starting your search with these 50 offers a great shortcut to finding the perfect fit for you!
University of West Alabama
College of Education
Livingston, Alabama
BS in Elementary Education
BS in Special Education Collaborative Teacher
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: On-campus seminars
Accelerated, eight-week courses in a fully online format - does it get any better or more convenient than that? If an online program makes you nervous, you'll be pleased to know that you'll still receive the same, outstanding support as on-campus students, thanks to the UWA Mentor Collective, which pairs you with a mentor for second-to-none guidance throughout your program. You can't go wrong with the University of West Alabama - it's been consistently recognized as one leading trainers of teachers in Alabama.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
School of Education
Fairbanks, AK
BA in Education
- Elementary Education
- Secondary Education 7-12
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Spanish
- Art (K-12)
- Online or hybrid
- National accreditation: CAEP/NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
The University of Alaska Fairbanks knows a thing or two about distance learning; after all, its unique position in one of the least densely population states in the country makes learning in-person difficult -if not impossible- for many. The road to your initial elementary, secondary, or special education teaching certificate is paved with convenience here, with classes in these programs offered at the school's main campus in Fairbanks, in Anchorage, or by distance delivery to wherever you may be. Highly interactive online classes enhanced with video-based observations and real-time peer feedback ensure you won't miss a beat, even while learning from home.
Arizona Christian University
Glendale, Arizona
BS Secondary Education
BS Elementary Education
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Designed with the same academic rigor as its on-campus teacher prep programs and built with your convenience and flexibility in mind, Arizona Christian University's online offerings for the aspiring educator don't disappoint. Monthly start dates, fully online courses of undergrad study in elementary or secondary education, and outstanding support from start to finish make Arizona Christian's undergrad teacher prep programs a sure bet for the non-traditional student with impossibly high standards. Would you expect anything less from the top-ranked university in Arizona by College Consensus?
Grand Canyon University
College of Education
Phoenix, AZ
BA/BS Secondary Education
BS Elementary Education
BM Music
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Grand Canyon University has its finger firmly planted on the pulse of online learning, offering plenty of outstanding options for students learning from a distance. Some of the great resources to keep you connected include quick and easy access to student service counselors, the GCU library, and technical help, while web-enhanced learning tools through the school's Learning Management System ensure a dynamic learning environment, regardless of where you're learning from.
University of Arkansas Little Rock
School of Education
Little Rock, AR
BSE Middle Education
- Social Studies
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
BA Secondary Education - History
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: Some science courses may be offered on-campus only due to lab requirements.
The University of Arkansas Little Rock meets you where you are, even that means from home. You'll never need to worry that learning from a distance means earning a subpar education, as all online courses are taught by the same, award-winning faculty that's teaching on-campus students in Little Rock. With access to outstanding resources like an online writing lab, Blackboard support, and the Ottenheimer Library, you'll always feel connected and supported as you work toward your initial teaching license.
Academy of Art University
School of Art Education
San Francisco, CA
BFA in Art Education
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Long considered a pioneer in online art education (they've been offering online courses since 2002), the Academy of Art University has perfected the ‘art' of learning online. With custom-built content taught by top industry professionals and flexible courses designed around you and your terms, the Academy of Art University's BFA in Art Education is made for the online learner. Choose from traditional online courses that allow you to study whenever it's most convenient for you or virtual onsite courses that put you in a live classroom - the choice is yours! You'll never feel disconnected from the artist community, thanks to discussion areas within each course - your place to collaborate, post work, and receive/provide helpful critique. Take just two semesters past the BFA and you'll earn a California teaching credential!
National University
Sanford College of Education
La Jolla, CA
BA with Single Subject Matter Preparation and Inspired Teaching and Learning Preliminary Single Subject Credential
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
As one of the nation's most military friendly colleges, National University understands that sometimes the best kind of learning is done at a distance. Its English and Social Studies programs leading to an initial teaching certificate in California are a fine example of exceptional online learning. As a student here, you'll take courses one at a time in four-week blocks, all from the comfort of your home (or wherever life takes you). This type of schedule not only ensures a focused course of study, but it also allows you to finish your degree faster. And year-round enrollment with monthly class starts will allow you to get started right away.
Colorado Mesa University
Center for Teacher Education
Grand Junction, CO
BA/BS Elementary K-6
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Colorado Mesa University's Center for Teacher Education offers a unique online cohort program leading to initial K-6 licensure. The university's commitment to quality online learning is evident here, from its webinar series that familiarizes students with the ins and outs of online learning to rigorous oversight that ensures the online programs here are held to the same standards as on-campus programs. You'll love the flexibility of its online Elementary K-6 program that features asynchronous courses that allow you to study whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you.
Colorado Christian University (PR)
School of Education
Lakewood, CO
BA in Liberal Arts
- Elementary
- Special Education
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Collaboration, communication, and opportunities to develop real relationships with your classmates and instructors are just some of the points of pride of Colorado Christian University's undergraduate teacher preparatory programs leading to initial licensure in either elementary or special education. Combining the flexibility and convenience of online learning with an engaging online forum, Colorado Christian has managed to produce a truly exceptional learning experience for its online students. You'll kickstart your online learning experience by taking a class that's focused on what to expect as an adult, online learner - the first step to your success!
Saint Leo University
St. Leo, Florida
BA Elementary Education (grades K-6)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: Professional seminar and at least one professional conference
Saint Leo is no stranger to online learning. In fact, this university has long been considered a pioneer in distance learning and in 2014 was recognized by the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education for its "Innovative Use of Technology." Virtual learning here is backed by a highly qualified faculty and expert support pros who are there to help you succeed. Earn a BA in Elementary Education at Saint Leo and you'll not just qualify for your initial teaching license, you'll also qualify for a Florida Reading Endorsement and ESOL Endorsement.
University of Georgia
Mary Frances Early College of Education
Athens, GA
BS Special Education (P-12), General Curriculum
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
- Designed as a degree completion program that requires students to transfer 60 college hours.
Nationally recognized online learning programs like the BS in Special Education make the University of Georgia a standout for aspiring teachers like you. Ranked tenth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, this program is taught by leaders in the profession and is designed as a cohort program that takes just two years to complete (accepts only students who have earned at least 60 transferable college hours). You'll feel right at home completing this innovative course of study within a respected, world-renowned research university where academic excellence is standard fare.
University of Hawaii at Manoa
College of Education
Honolulu, HI
Elementary Education
Elementary Education and Multilingual Learning
- Elementary Education and Hawaiian Language Immersion
- Hybrid
- On-campus requirements: On-campus meetings 2-4 times each semester
The University of Hawaii at Manoa's College of Education has turned the traditional classroom on its head with its three hybrid teacher prep programs. Online coursework combined with on-campus meetings just a few times each semester ensure outstanding convenience and practicality for students with busy, professional schedules or those residing on other islands. All programs are offered in a cohort model, which means you'll be studying with the same group of students during the entirety of the program, so collaboration and communication are always on tap, even when you're online.
Chaminade University of Honolulu
School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Honolulu, HI
BS Elementary Education
BS Secondary (English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies)
BS Special Education
- Online
- National accreditation: TEAC
- On-campus requirements: None
- BS in Education requires students to transfer 90 credits from Leeward Community College
You may be learning online, but your learning experience at Chaminade University is sure to be just as dynamic as that of your on-campus peers. Choose one of the university's three undergraduate pathways to initial teaching licensure and you'll complete the same rigorous and academically sound coursework under the guidance of the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences' outstanding faculty. But with a distinct focus on convenience and flexibility, you'll complete all coursework from the comfort of your home. Ten-weeks terms keep it all manageable, while online support ensures a smooth learning experience from start to finish.
Lewis-Clark State College
Division of Teacher Education
Lewiston, ID
BA/BS Elementary
- National accreditation: NCATE/CAEP
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Lewis-Clark State College produces some of the top elementary school teachers in the Northwest, and its BA/BS Elementary continues the school's legacy of academic excellence. Just like the school's on-campus program, the online BA/BS in Elementary offers optional minor endorsements in Literacy K-12, Special Education Child Generalist K-12, Online Teacher/Instructional Technologies K-12, Middle School Math 5-9, Middle School Science 5-9, and Middle School Social Studies. No on-campus requirements here; you'll take all courses from the comfort of your home.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Department of Education
Saint Mary of the Woods, IN
BS Elementary K-6, Special Education Mild Intervention
- Hybrid
- On-campus requirements: Some courses may be offered in a hybrid format.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods offers something few school do: an undergraduate pathway leading to dual licensure that's offered in a convenient and flexible online format. You'll have the option of customizing your course of study by choosing between traditional 16-week courses or accelerated eight-week courses. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods has perfected the art of online learning by allowing you to schedule your classes and coursework around your busy life.
National Louis University
College of Education
Chicago, IL
BA Elementary Education
- Online or hybrid
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
Simply put, you won't find a university that offers more flexibility for the aspiring educator than National Louis University. Choose from a fully online format or a hybrid format that combines both on-campus and online courses - the choice is yours! The school's largely self-paced online courses mean that you study when it's most convenient for you - not according to a specific class schedule. It's no surprise that National Louis University comes out on top for its online offerings; after all, it's long been on the forefront of post-secondary educational options for non-traditional students and has been producing the next generation of educators for more than 130 years.
William Penn University
Education Division
Oskaloosa, IA
BA Elementary, K-12 (ESL, Special Education - Strategist I, PE)
BA Physical Education (K-8/5-12), Health (5-12) and Athletic Coaching (K-12)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: none
William Penn University's innovative Distance Learning Program is part of the university's commitment to reaching non-traditional students. These highly interactive and engaging programs feature fully online courses of study that are taught in a synchronous (live) format for the best in collaboration and communication. As a student of either of the school's two online undergraduate pathways leading to initial teaching licensure, you'll attend online classes with your peers on evenings and alternate Saturdays. Take the courses that best meet your schedule each semester and earn your initial teaching license on your own terms!
Kansas State University
College of Education
Manhattan, Kansas
BS Elementary Education
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
Kansas State University's BS in Elementary Education, which is part of the university's K-State Online program, allows students from virtually anywhere to earn their undergrad degree leading to an initial teaching license. You'll complete all your courses online here, and then when it's time to get into the classroom for your student teaching experience, you'll get real-time feedback from your instructors by using a tablet and video recording software. Home to more than 100 online programs that are taught by the same experienced instructors who teach on-campus courses, Kansas State University has perfected the online learning experience.
Fort Hays State University
College of Education
Hays, Kansas
BS Elementary Education
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
Featuring the same rigorous learning experience as its on-campus counterpart, Fort Hay's online BS in Elementary Education offers a distance-based learning experience that's hard to beat. Embedded with rich content that includes the latest in educational technology, the BS in Elementary here delivers a highly engaging online learning experience that landed it a 12th place ranking by a U.S. News & World Report/National Council on Teacher Quality report.
Ottawa University-Kansas City
School of Education
Ottawa, Kansas
BA Secondary Education (Biology, Business, English, History, Mathematics)
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
When Ottawa University offers an online BA in Secondary Education program, you know convenience and flexibility don't get any better. This fully online program (no on-campus requirements here) features accelerated, eight-week courses that ensure a fast track to your undergrad degree and initial teaching license. Although you'll be studying online, you'll never feel alone, thanks to a strong faculty of experienced educators and one of the strongest support programs we've seen. A student services team, enrollment advisors, academic advisors, and finance advisors are always at your disposal to ensure your success from start to finish.
Midway University
Department of Education
Midway, Kentucky
BA Elementary
BA Middle School (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)
BA Secondary (English, Math)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Online teacher prep programs at Midway just aren't convenient and flexible, they're proven. In fact, 100% of all education grads here receive provisional licensure to teach in Kentucky following graduation! Online learning at Midway University comes with personal faculty support and guidance and excellent academic resources that include one-on-one tutoring, virtual workshops to support your distance learning experience, and career services at your fingertips.
University of the Cumberlands
Williamsburg, Kentucky
BS Elementary Education (K-5)
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
The University of the Cumberlands has a legacy of educational excellence dating back to 1888. Part of the university's success has meant never resting on its laurels, and today's cutting-edge online programs are a fine example of the university's unrelenting commitment to ensuring they meet the needs of today's students. Its Elementary Education program comes complete with high-quality instruction, a fully online delivery that you complete at a pace that best fits your life, and a support system that's always just a few key strokes away.
Bay Path University
The American Women's College
Bay Path, MA
BA in Liberal Studies - Elementary education
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Driven by SOUL, a unique, data-driven approach to learning that promotes both personal and support online learning, Bay Path University's Elementary Education program leading to initial teaching licensure delivers a dynamic online learning experience that includes wrap-around support with your own personal Educator Coach, a customized program of study that suggests specific learning modalities that best match your learning style, and virtual learning communities that ensure you're always connected and engaged. This is what outstanding distance learning looks like!
Southwest Minnesota State University
Education Programs
Marshall, MN
BS Elementary, K-12 (Special Education, TESL)
BS K-12 Special Education: Academic Behavioral Strategist
BS K-12 Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Come fully prepared for an exceptional distance learning experience when you complete one of Southwest Minnesota State University's online teacher prep programs. Boasting a 99% job placement upon graduation and some of the best online student services we've found (career services, counseling and testing services, information technology services, student success center, online tutoring, veteran's resources, and more), Southwest Minnesota is where online students go for an academic experience that's simply unparalleled.
Walden University
Education Programs
Minneapolis, MN
BS in Elementary Education
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
If you're considering an online teacher prep program, why not complete it through a university that's long been recognized as a pioneer in distance learning? Since its inception in the 1970s, Walden University has been committed to the adult learner. Today, the online learning experience here is among the best, with classes specifically designed with online learning in mind. We especially love the virtual field experiences that allow you to learn from and alongside veteran elementary school teachers. And with superb academic support just a keystroke away, your academic experience will be as dynamic and fulfilling as you'd imagine.
Mississippi State University
College of Education
Mississippi State, Mississippi
BS Elementary Education (concentrations in early childhood or middle school)
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
You can't be a successful online learner without the proper support and guidance, and Mississippi State University is among the strongest when it comes to student support. Work toward your initial teaching license by pursuing the BS in Elementary Education here and you'll get everything you need to make your online learning experience a rewarding and successful online. Take the Online Education Readiness Indicator test to make sure you're ready to participate in online courses, watch video tutorials to get up and running with the proper software on your computer, reach out to the MSU Online Center with questions and concerns, and then work alongside your Program Coordinator to design a course of study that best fits your schedule.
William Carey University
School of Education
Hattiesburg and Tradition (Biloxi), MS
BA/BS Physical Education (minor in coaching, recreation, or special education) Health, Physical Education, And Recreation
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
William Carey University is meeting students where they're at, which means delivering superb learning opportunities outside of the traditional classroom. Designed to be just as dynamic and rigorous as the university's on-campus programs, the university's online offerings leading to initial teaching licensure reach students from all parts of the state, the country, and even the world. Flexible, convenient, and challenging, William Carey's online teacher prep programs continue the university's legacy of academic excellence.
Central Methodist University
College of Graduate and Extended Studies
Fayette, Missouri
BS Elementary Education
BS Middle School Education (Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science)
BA/BS Secondary (Business, English, Mathematics, Social Science)
BS Special Education
- Online or Hybrid
- On-campus requirements: None
Central Methodist University understands the needs of today's distance learning students, which is why its selection of online teacher prep programs is nothing short of impressive. Whether you choose to complete the program fully online or design a course of study that includes both online and on-campus courses, you'll receive the same, high-quality instruction that's taught by the university's esteemed faculty. Your initial Missouri teaching license has never been closer!
Calvary University
Education Department
Kansas City, Missouri
BS Elementary 1-6
BS Middle School (Language Arts, Social Sciences, Speech & Theatre, English)
BS Secondary (Social Sciences, Speech & Theatre)
BS K-12 Music: Vocal
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Calvary University has simplified the online learning experience to create a unique, blended model of education. Nearly all campus courses are video recorded, which allows online students to access the content from wherever and whenever it's most convenient. This means you'll always be guaranteed the same, quality education as your on-campus peers. As you work toward your undergrad degree that'll qualify you for initial teaching licensure, you'll collaborate with your onsite and online peers and communicate regularly with Calvary's esteemed faculty, essentially providing you with the best of both worlds.
Chadron State College
Department of Education
Chadron, Nebraska
BS Elementary
BA/BS Secondary (Business, Family & Consumer Sciences, Mathematics)
BS K-12 Special Education
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: none; videoconferencing requirements
Manageable and convenient eight-week courses and a fully online format make earning your undergrad degree at Chadron State College easier than ever! We love the 24/7 online support here, which means whether you're working during the day or in the wee hours of the night, you won't miss a beat as you work towards your bachelor's degree and initial teaching license.
Bellevue University
Bellevue, Nebraska
BS Secondary Education (Mathematics, History, Psychology)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Bellevue University's online degree in secondary education is everything you'd want in an online program - and more. This flexible course of study allows you to work whenever - and wherever - it's most convenient for you. Early bird? Night owl? Your study schedule is completely up to you. And although you're learning from a distance, you won't ever be short on support, guidance, and collaboration. A student coach ensures you'll stay on track and meet your goals, while online forums provide you with fantastic opportunities to connect and communicate with your peers. Online tutoring and 24/7 tech support round out your online learning experience at Bellevue.
Western New Mexico University
School of Education
Silver, City, NM
BS Elementary
BA/BS Secondary (Mathematics, Science)
Pre-K-12 (PE, Special Education)
- Online or hybrid
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: Some courses offered in a hybrid model.
Convenient online courses that feature a highly esteemed faculty, small class sizes, and plenty of support that includes 24/7 tech support and 24/7 online tutoring make earning your undergrad teaching degree through Western New Mexico easier and more convenient than ever. Connect with your professors, chat online with an academic online advisor, and choose between fully online, video conferencing, and on-campus courses for a personalized course of study that's designed with you in mind.
Lees-McRae College
Teacher Education Program
Banner Elk, NC
BS Elementary Education
- Online
- On-campus requirements: Pre-admission interview required.
- Designed as a degree completion program; students must transfer to the program with an associate's degree from an accredited community college.
Recognized as one of the nation's top online elementary education bachelor's degrees by Online Schools Report, Lees-McRae College's BS in Elementary Education is where successful elementary school teachers are born. There's no better indicator of a program's quality than the success of its students, and at Lees-McRae, student success is clear: The Teacher Education program has always maintained a 98-100% graduation rate.
University of North Dakota
College of Education & Human Development
Grand Forks, North Dakota
BSEd Elementary Education
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
Home to more than 120 online programs and certificates and recognized as the top best online university in the nation by EDsmart, the University of North Dakota is a standout when it comes to distance learning, and its BSEd in Elementary Education online program is just as impressive. Choose a semester-based format and follow the academic calendar or choose Self-Paced Enroll Anytime courses and complete the program on your own timeline. The University of North Dakota isn't just a provider of online degree programs - it's a leader.
Valley City State University
School of Education
Valley City, North Dakota
BS Elementary Education
BS Secondary Education (Business, English, History, Mathematics, Social Science, Technology)
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
It's clear: Valley City State University -ranked as one of the top universities in the nation for online bachelor's and master's programs in education by U.S. News & World Report-has refined the art of online learning. As one of the nation's first laptop universities, Valley City State University has long been ahead of the technology curve, so it's no surprise that today it's home to a nice selection of academically rigorous, highly engaging online undergrad offerings in education. Join lectures in real-time, or study whenever your schedules allows-Valley City State ensures the best in flexibility for the online learner.
Mayville State University
Education Department
Mayville, North Dakota
BSEd Elementary Education
BSEd Special Education
BSEd Secondary Education (Mathematics)
- Hybrid
- Online accreditation: NCATE/CAEP
- On-campus requirements: Some evening courses required.
Mayville State University offers a distance-learning opportunity for North Dakota's aspiring educators! Through a blend of evening courses and asynchronous and synchronous online learning, you'll work towards a bachelor's degree and your initial teaching license. Continuing its long-standing focus on superb student support, you'll have access to outstanding online advisors who will ensure your academic goals are on track. Personal attention through small classes and a dedicated, highly qualified faculty round out Mayville's outstanding online degree offerings.
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
School of Professional Studies
Mount Vernon, OH
BA Elementary Education
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE/CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
Since the inception of its School of Graduate & Professional Studies more than 25 years ago, Mount Vernon Nazarene University has understood the unique needs of the non-traditional student. Today, the school's outstanding selection of online programs ensures that adult learners continue to enjoy plentiful learning opportunities that allow them to strike the perfect balance between their professional responsibilities and their future career aspirations. Its BA in Elementary Education features a fully online course of study for the best in flexibility and convenience and is backed by the university's longstanding reputation for academic excellence.
Franklin University
Columbus, OH
BS Primary Education
BS Middle School Education
BS Adolescent to Young Adult Education
BS Intervention Specialist, Mild to Moderate K-12
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
Franklin University isn't a traditional school that offers a few online programs; instead, it's a university where online learning is front and center. In fact, 80% of all students here take online courses. You'll love its offerings in education that put you on the fast track to your initial teaching license. All courses offered in these fully online programs are both flexible and accelerated, thereby allowing aspiring educators like you to fast track your career plans in education.
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
College of Education and Human Sciences
Stillwater, OK
BA Elementary
- Online
- National accreditation: NCATE
- On-campus requirements: None
When one of the nation's top public universities offer online programs, you know an exceptional online learning experience is at your fingertips. Oklahoma State University's BA in Elementary Education is a fine example of a fully online program that's backed by a long history of academic excellence. Work toward your initial teaching license in elementary education here and you'll benefit from quality instruction taught by a highly qualified faculty who's committed to your success. It's little wonder why Oklahoma State's online degrees have landed the university among the country's best online colleges by Community for Accredited Online Schools, Study.com, onlinecolleges.com, and more.
Dakota State University
College of Education
Madison, SD
BSE Elementary
BSE Elementary/Special Education
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
South Dakota State University's online undergrad offerings in elementary and elementary/special education, like their on-campus counterparts, are long on academic excellence and rigor and are taught by the same professors. But with a distinct focus on the adult learner, South Dakota State's online programs also come complete with outstanding flexibility and convenience that only distance-based learning can provide. Whether your classroom is a nook in a coffee shop, your living room couch, or along the shores of your favorite beach town, you'll fit right in as a South Dakota State online student, thanks to a fully flexible online learning format that includes taking classes anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace.
Southwestern Adventist University
Department of Education and Psychology
Keene, TX
BS Elementary
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Southwestern Adventist University knows that an online program is only valuable if it offers maximum convenience and flexibility for today's non-traditional learners, which is why its BS in Elementary Education offers your choice of traditional or accelerated classes and the option of completing the program according your personal timeline. Choose Southwestern Adventist and you'll be part of an outstanding legacy of student excellence that includes a 100% pass rate for Texas state licensure!
Texas Woman's University
College of Professional Education
Denton, Texas
BS Education EC-6th Grade (ESL, SPED, Bilingual supplemental certifications)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
- Designed as an undergraduate completion degree; all junior and senior-level courses can be taken online.
Long heralded for its high quality teacher prep programs, Texas Women's University boasts a superb record of student success, including a 96% pass rate on the state teacher exam. Its BS in Education EC-6th grade continues this legacy of excellence while also offering the outstanding convenience that only an online program can offer. Featuring a blend of asynchronous and synchronous learning, the BS in Education EC-6th grade offers non-traditional learners both the flexibility and academic rigor needed to succeed.
LeTourneau University
School of Education
Longview, Texas
BS Interdisciplinary Studies (EC-6th, 4th-8th Grade)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Whether you're completing your BS in Interdisciplinary Studies on-campus or through the school's outstanding online learning environment, one thing's certain: you'll be part of a longstanding record of student success that includes a 94% pass rate on the state certification exam since 2010 and a 95% gradate placement rate. While you'll be studying at a distance as an online student, you'll still be fully immersed in LeTourneau's dynamic academic courses that prep you for success in the teaching field.
Southern Utah University
Beverley Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human Development
Cedar City, Utah
BS Elementary
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Flexibility and accessibility at its finest-choose Southern Utah University's BS in Elementary Education and you'll be well on your way to an initial teaching license through a fully online course of study that's taught by the same, esteemed faculty as the university's on-campus programs. Choose from a full- or part-time course of study that best fits your individual needs and preferences and take your degree one step further, if desired, by earning dual licensure in special education. Southern Utah University's online programs continue the university's legacy of providing personalized courses of study aimed at career-focused learning.
Old Dominion University
Darden College of Education & Professional Studies
Norfolk, VA
BS Elementary
Special Education (adapted/general) K-12
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Distance learning has never looked so impressive. Old Dominion University's online teacher prep programs art part of a legacy of academic excellence that includes a long-standing reputation as a leader in distance learning. Housed within the Darden College of Education & Professional Studies, which has long been recognized as one of the best schools of education in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, the university's online BS in Elementary Education comes with a robust curriculum that mirrors its on-campus counterpart and boasts a cool 98% satisfaction rate among graduates.
Liberty University
School of Education
Lynchburg, Virginia
BEd Elementary Education (optional endorsements in Middle Grades English Mathematics, Science, Social Science)
BEd Middle Grades English
BEd Middle Education (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)
BEd Special Education
BEd Secondary (Business, English, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies)
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
Home to more than 450 online degrees, Liberty University doesn't just offer a few online degrees; it offers an exceptional selection of proven online programs that are taught by a world-class faculty and reflect Liberty's commitment to providing quality educational programs for non-traditional students. Liberty's been a pioneer in distance learning since 1985 and continues this legacy of excellence today with fully online programs that feature outstanding support and the quality instruction you'd expect from an on-campus program. As of 2021, the university serves nearly 15,000 online students!
Concord University
Department of Education
Athens, West Virginia
BS in Elementary K-6
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
Concord University knows that not every student is the traditional, on-campus student, which is why they've begun offering their BS in Elementary Education in a fully online format. Designed with the same academic quality as its on-campus counterpart, Concord's online elementary undergrad degree is your pathway to initial teaching licensure without the strict schedule of an on-campus program. Geographic limitations and busy schedules are no match for this program!
University of Wisconsin-Stout
School of Education
Menomonie, Wisconsin
BS Special Education
BS Career, Technology Education K-12
BS Family and Consumer Sciences K-12
- Online
- National accreditation: CAEP
- On-campus requirements: None
- BS Special Education is designed as a degree completion program and requires the transfer of an associate's or technical degree.
Fully online and designed with your convenience in mind, the University of Wisconsin-Stout's undergrad offerings in education leading to initial teaching licensure are nothing short of impressive. After all, they boast a 100% graduate employment rate! All courses are delivered in a fully online format and taught by the university's esteemed, full-time faculty. And although you'll be studying at a distance, you'll never be without your share of support, thanks to dedicated adult student services coordinators.
University of Wisconsin-Superior
Department of Education
Superior, Wisconsin
BA/BS Elementary Education
- Online
- On-campus requirements: None
The University of Wisconsin-Superior has long been a frontrunner in the UW System for its selection of P-12 teacher education programs, so it's a natural fit for UW-Superior to offer a fully online BA/BS in Elementary Education for the non-traditional learner. Boasting a placement rate of more than 90% and structured after= the university's outstanding on-campus teacher prep programs, the BA/BS in Elementary Education offers the flexibility your busy life demands without ever sacrificing the quality you've come to expect from UW-Superior.