Recent Posts by Staff

Harnessing the Power of AI Tools for Teachers

lecture on virtual reality
For most teachers, the initial reaction to artificial intelligence was horror. After all, if AI was able to write assignments in an instant, or pass standardized exams, the possibilities for students cheating skyrocketed. But on reflection, AI has more to offer to teachers and students through legitimate educational uses than illicit ones. The key challenge…
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Lifelong Benefits and Rewards of a Teaching Career: Impacts on Life

A teacher having a high five with her student in the classroom
Can you think back to a teacher that made a significant impact on your life? There is a good chance that someone immediately jumps into your mind. This is because that person said and/or did something that left an imprint on your brain. They took their job seriously, and they wanted to create a special…
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7 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Teaching Degree Program

women teaching young children at a atable
Being a teacher is one of the most meaningful careers one can pursue. Few people have the influence that teachers do when it comes to shaping the lives of young people and helping them mature into productive members of society. When you decide to be a teacher, choosing the right teaching degree program is a…
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Navigating Teacher Certification Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide

female high school teacher standing in front of interactive whiteboard teaching lesson
Navigating Teacher Certification Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide Understanding teacher certification requirements is crucial to meeting them and getting credentialed to instruct students in a classroom. Without teacher certification, you're not legally permitted to teach students in any school, even if you have completed the required coursework, tests, degrees, or other specified criteria. If you're an…
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Resources for Teachers Who Want to Create Inclusive Classrooms

One of the most prevalent conversations among teachers working today is the urgent need to make classrooms more welcoming for students of all backgrounds, beliefs, and identities. This is a critically important investment that will allow you to reach as many students as possible as well as providing an environment that feels safe and supportive,…
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8 Strategies As the Wild Card to Change Stale Curriculum

Part 4 of 5 …  Join us in the fourth installment of a five-part series that tells the story of how one dedicated principal observed positive change in the classroom when teachers incorporated the principles and philosophy from the popular book, The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King. Let’s empower you as a teacher!…
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10 Things You Should Not Do This Summer: Permission to Pause

Burn out can come at any time, but more so at the end of the school year. After 20 years in education, this year has been one of my most difficult and stressful. In years past, I usually start dreaming about the books, professional development, podcasts, and articles I want to get caught up on…
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